About my hair

It is not an intention to brag about "yeah, I have hair like this", but it is good to know what kind of hair I am working on so one could compare, how a hairstyle would work wit her hair.

So, here it is. With big ears.
 I have always wanted to have as long hair as many Victorian lady had: long enough to touch the ground or even almost. Hair of Sisi didn´t reach the ground, but were approximatelly to the knees. I had a long hair until I was 12, when I had this crazy idea to have a polkastyled hair. Before that my hair was long (almost to the waist) and I dreamed to have long which would reach to the ground. I realised my mistake about seven years ago and started to grow my hair again. Now they reach my waist. Only 20 more years, and they will reach my ankles!!

I still cut my hair once a year, so that the hair would grow stronger and faster. Every time not more than 5cm would be cut, but it has to be done because of split ends. I get them a lot, unfortunatelly. Even though I almost cry when my hair is cutted, I have to admit, that the hair looks more healthier after cut. I have naturally straight hair, allthough it can get some waves after shower if the hair is horced to that shape (f.ex. braid). The nature of the hair is hard to describe, but I quess it could be called just with a term ´slippery´. Hairpins fall easily and big curls don´t last long.

So what is the colour of my hair? To be honest, I do not precicely know. At the same time it is blonde and brunette. This blog should be called “Die Semi-Blonde Sisi” better than “Die Bolde Sisi”. The first layer of my hair is blonde and the hair underneath it is brown. My hair has never been coloured like that. Couple of years ago I got two very very blonde stripes on the top, but they had almost faded away. This autumn I cutted (well of course I didn´t do that myself) loose one sided bangs. Some times I love them, sometimes I hate them. Well, the bangs are now in, so have to like them!

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