Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Braid with 6

This. Was. Just. Totally. Madness!!

If you have ever tried to do a braid with 4 or 5, think twice if you are going to try the 6! Take a consider that I´m talking about when you are doing it yourself to yourself: doing braided hairstyles to other persons is much more easy than to trying to move your fingers somehow to the right place on the back of your head.

Doing braidings more than 3 it is recommended to train it first with for example ribbons. So to do braid with six:
1) separate your hair into six equally sized sections (let us call them as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
2) imagine these sections as a pairs: 1 and 2,   3 and 4,    5 and 6. Start from left and go to the right and put the left part of the pair over the other as so: 1 over 2,     3 over 4,    5 over 6.
3) now change direction and this time put the parts that are under (6 and 4) over 3 and 1. You do not move the 2, because at this point is on the far left.
4) start over from left to right and then right to left hopping every other section as decriber above.

Few! This could be more easier to show than tell... So, the evaluation:

Making time: 2-3         Easyness: 1          Durability: 4

But hey: it looks quite good on long hair!!


This is so normal for me: not updating the blog for a while. My apologies! There has been several reasons. 1) not enough time, 2) I do not know why Blogger is too ´difficult´ to use, 3) I constantly forget my password... AND 4) I  am not comfortable to show my face here, so it makes a little bit difficult to post complete pics of hairstyles. Reason why I do not want to show my face here is to stay anonymous. But it might be I soon give up and not thinking my face. For readers and tip seekers at the end it doesn´t matter.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Sock bun variation

You can do numerous variations with sock bun: having one on the back, or on the top, maybe one on the side or two different buns on the both sides of the head, which reminds about princess Leia´s (Star Wars) hairstyle. This variation here has three parts: the sock bun, one braid and open hair. Hair is separated 50-50 into two layers. The upper layer is tied into ponytail. Before rolling the sock donut a small section of hair is taken from the ponytail and braided. After rolling the donut ready the braid goes round (/under) the bun and fasten with hairpins. The remaining hair can be left open as in this variation or curled. Curled version would be more suitable to wear in special occasions – why not in a wedding.

Making time: 4  (~15 mins.)         Easyness: 4          Durability: 4

Monday, 14 January 2013

Sock bun

Sockbun really means what it says: bun made with a sock. For this you need a regular sock, but loose ones are not as good as tight ones. If you do not want to use a sock, some stores sell ready big hairdonuts, which are fine too. No matter if you use a readymade donut or a sock, always prefer one which matches your own haircolour. So this is what you do with a sock:  

1. Find a sock.
2.     2.Cut the toe part of the sock off.
3.     3. Roll it together so it reminds a donut.
4.      4. Tie your hair to a ponytail.
5.      5. Pull your hair through the donut.
6.      6. Set the donut near to the end of your hair.
7.      7. Spread the hair over the donut evenly.
8.      8. Roll hair into the sock donut.
9.      9. Continue rolling until all the hair is in the donut and you have reached your hair/ end of the ponytail.

Making time: 5         Easyness: 4          Durability: 5

Making time: ~5mins. Really quick to do.

Easyness: The idea itself is simple: gather the hair into a donut. The hardest thing in this hairstyle is to get an even and smooth bun. I do even buns only for special occasions, otherwise messy bun is perfect.

Durability: high. It depends a lot 1) how tight you can gather the hair into donut, 2)how slippery you hair is and 3) where the bun is situated. Bun on the top of the head is more durable than one on the side. I never had a problem with this bun and it has never opened from the donut.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Scrambled eggs in my hair

Hi again, and happy new year 2013!

Even though the last post was from 2012 (= the year when world ended), I consider this blog officially started now 2013: new year, new adventures, new plans, new blog. Well at this moment I do not have any new plans yet, but I have over 300 days to make some. Actually I did some kind of ´new years resolution´ which is ´start to exercise´. It would be just lovely to get rid off couple of extra pounds, but most important is to get more fit. 10 years my body has been like a white gross dough and I got to get rid of it. I am normal weighted, but there could be more muscles than now. One reason that I haven´t started earlier is honestly my hair. If I start to heavily exercise, I will sweat and I would have to take a shower every day. I am worried, that my hair would get into bad condition. But yes: there are people who are washing their hair every morning and their hair looks fine. Maybe the thing is, that I do not want to use the hairdryer because it is the heat that damages the hair. It takes hours to let long hair dry naturally without heat. Usually I hit the shower in the evening and let hair dry overnight. The hair that I have takes approximately 4 to 5 hours to dry fully when let open. If tied to a chignon, 9-10 hours.
Because of this ´treat´ (letting hair dry on its own and not using the hairdryer) my hair is relatively soft. I think I will in some point try to wash my hair every day for a month and see, what the result is. Btw: did you know, that empress Elizabeth of Austria washed her hair only once a month? For the wash she used raw eggs with a small amount of finest cognac. I once tried to use eggs to wash my hair. Well, it didn´t quite succeed. First I showered my hair normally. After that I put egg to the hair and let it be there for a while, as it should. Ok for this point everything went well, but then I stopped thinking rationally. And you know what? I showered my hair with HOT water as normally. The result was, that I got scrambled eggs in my hair! The water was of course not boiling hot, but it was hot enough to cook eggs little bit. It was just terrible. Next couple of hours I spent taking small boiled egg pieces out of my hair and washed my hair again with normal shampoo. It was quite traumatizing, but I haven´t abandoned the idea of washing my hair again with eggs – this time with cold water. I have heard many successful stories about the eggwash. If you, dear reader, have experience about washing the hair with eggs, it would be more than nice to hear about it.

Monday, 17 December 2012

French braid

Just to remind: I am just an ordinary woman TRYING to do different hairstyles. I WILL post also those hairstylemoments, which has failed - and explain why they had failed. It is NOT my intention to just show different hairstyles, but write about them and about the failing too. Failing is human. :)  And finally: because I am an ordinary woman and my main goal has been to figure out a new different hairstyle for a day, these hairstyles are mainly really basics, not magnificent hairsstyles for a cocktail party or something. Well, you get my point.

So lets start with the basics: the traditional French braid. French braid as a term means a braid, where you start with a basic braid, but you also gather loose hair on the sides with it. There is many variations and ancles you can do this. This French braid goes in the middle of the head, from the top to the bottom.
It is time for the first evaluation.

Making time: 5          Easyness: 4          Durability: 4½

Making time: ~5mins. Doing it first time it might get little bit longer, but you get quite quick quicker to quick-do-it ;)

Easyness: more you practise, the easier it is. Trickiest part is to take even parts of the hair and have them gathered smoothly.

Durability: really high: this won´t ´collapse´, but it will loosen a little bit. If you have ever done a normail braid, you know how the hair comes off from the braid. This depends on your haircut (layers or not): if you have layers, hair comes easily from the braid. At the end that doesn´t matter so much, because after the braid gets little bit ´messier´ it is, at this moment, more fashionable!