Monday, 17 December 2012

French braid

Just to remind: I am just an ordinary woman TRYING to do different hairstyles. I WILL post also those hairstylemoments, which has failed - and explain why they had failed. It is NOT my intention to just show different hairstyles, but write about them and about the failing too. Failing is human. :)  And finally: because I am an ordinary woman and my main goal has been to figure out a new different hairstyle for a day, these hairstyles are mainly really basics, not magnificent hairsstyles for a cocktail party or something. Well, you get my point.

So lets start with the basics: the traditional French braid. French braid as a term means a braid, where you start with a basic braid, but you also gather loose hair on the sides with it. There is many variations and ancles you can do this. This French braid goes in the middle of the head, from the top to the bottom.
It is time for the first evaluation.

Making time: 5          Easyness: 4          Durability: 4½

Making time: ~5mins. Doing it first time it might get little bit longer, but you get quite quick quicker to quick-do-it ;)

Easyness: more you practise, the easier it is. Trickiest part is to take even parts of the hair and have them gathered smoothly.

Durability: really high: this won´t ´collapse´, but it will loosen a little bit. If you have ever done a normail braid, you know how the hair comes off from the braid. This depends on your haircut (layers or not): if you have layers, hair comes easily from the braid. At the end that doesn´t matter so much, because after the braid gets little bit ´messier´ it is, at this moment, more fashionable!

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